I know this is NOT a weight loss challenge, but c'mon this is funny...

So it was brought to our attention that we have neglected the blog a little bit this time around, and to be honest we thought that people were drawn more to the facebook page to share ideas and to show our support for eachother there. But now that we know there are still blog readers checkin' in we are excited to squeeze some posts in before the challenge ends...but puhh-lease don't forget about the fb page too, its been fun for us to see you all support eachother and share ideas, recipes and even vent a little when you are having a rough day!! Part of what we love so much about this challenge is that all of these people pull together in this "competition" but you are all rooting for eachother.
Okay, I got a little off track...Back to the post :)
It hadnt really crossed my mind that some of the posts from our first challenge hadnt been read by all of our current participants, but there is some great and fun info there so check it out!
To start off, here are some past posts that you may want to read!
and some recipes
(again please scroll through the facebook page because their have been some GREAT recipes posted by participants there that you should try out...oh Im craving Jana's granola just thinking about it...too bad its after 8 o'clock or I would whip some up!)
There you have it...
oh and make sure to scroll down to see what you could win this week
AND thats not all
be sure to take our poll on the right ----->
Wow, I must say, these posts helped me tons!!! I wish I had known this info at the beginning of the challenge! I have been making it so much harder than it really is! Seriously? I can have sugar-free pudding? ***HALLELUJAH!*** (Do you hear those angels singing?)