Saturday, December 18, 2010

Announcing - January 2011 Challenge!!


  1. Yay! I'm looking forward to it. Are the rules of the challenge changing from last time?

  2. I am so excited! I couldn't do it last time cause I had barely had a baby that passed away two weeks before you did it so this will be great to get my life put back together again.

  3. Teresa, so sorry for your loss! My heart is breaking for you. :-( BUT, here's to a new year and the opportunity to do things every day to make this life a good one!

    Heather, Trisha and I talked about a few things we'd like to change (minor changes) but haven't quite got things ironed out. Hence the "stay tuned for more information to come" part. We'll get it figured out soon!

  4. Woot woot! I hope you are all as excited as I am...its a new and improved challenge :) CAN'T WAIT...
