Saturday, February 19, 2011

First, I want to say "amen" to Karli's last post! I commend you ALL for sticking to the end with this challenge, whether you have perfect scores or not this is not an easy thing to do. I, like Karli, hope that you have found what you were looking for by participating in this challenge. I hope your confidence in yourself has grown, and you have learned that you can do what you set your mind to. Setting goals and completing them is the most rewarding feeling! I think thats what I take away most from challenging myself like this. Our hope is also that you like how you feel, and want to continue these lifestyle changes even when the challenge is over.
One more thing before I announce the Giveaway Winners. Karli mentioned in her last post some of the struggles that she has faced during the last few weeks. I want to give her a little praise, through it all she has kept her chin up and done her best to find the positive in all things and push along. This is a quality that I admire so so much in her, probably what drew me towards her when we met just a year and half ago (can you believe it was only that long ago Karli?). She is positive, motivated, talented AND such a loyal friend.
I feel lucky to have her as my friend.
Now for the winners this week...

BeautiControl Spa Manicure Instant Manicure & In-home facial
Jenny Cawley
BeautiControl Restructuring Eye Creme & In-home facial
Ashley Reeves
Custom Beaded Watch
Courtney Santos
$15 Sunflower Market Gift Card
Jen Ball
Congrats to our winners, we will be in touch soon with you!
(FYI: we had to draw over 20 TIMES to get 4 eligible participants to be winners. Lots of scores not recorded last week, dont forget to get your points recorded for this week because we have some more GREAT prizes this coming week)
One more week people, you can do it!!!


  1. Trisha, you made me cry! BRAT! But I love you. :-)

    And congrats to all the winners!

  2. I'm starting to have mixed feelings about it ending! Reading your post made me CRY-- and I'm not even pregnant!-- and I've started having nightmares about screwing up right at the end!!!

  3. Great job Karli. I've really blown the last 2 weeks but I want to finish strong. You inspire me!

  4. Man I really hope my points are showing up and being recorded! Now I am scared!!!
