The Rules of the Weekly Giveaways: To be eligible you have to have received AT LEAST 60 points the previous week! But since this is the first week, EVERYONE is eligible.
This first giveaway is just perfect for this challenge, and is a fun and creative way to track your points each day. One of our 8 Weeks to a Better You Challengers, Angela Shaner, created this Challenge Chart and donated 1 as a giveaway.
Here's a little info on Angela, shes amazing:
"I love to Craft! I love to create things for others and my family as well. I am a wife to an awesome hubby who lets me do all these crafty adventures, and a mom to 4 wonderful children who inspire me to do most of the things I do. Along with all that I am also a Music/Piano Teacher in my home. As you can see I stay pretty busy but it all allows me to be a Stay at home mom which is why I do it all and is what I love the Most! "
check it out...
You will receive:
17 total button magnets
Laminated "To Do" and "Done" Magnet
Chart to track total daily points- (laminated for easy dry erase use, magnet on back

pretty amazing, right?
Check out the blog she created to read more about The Challenge Chart
If you do not win this giveaway, but are interested in purchasing one to help you track your progress, Angela is so generously offering 20% off to all Challenge Participants. Go to her etsy site and enter 8WEEKS at checkout to receive your discount.
Thank you Angela, and good luck to everyone...
(we announce the weekly giveaway winners on this blog on Saturday mornings. We use to pick our winners)
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