Today, as we end our first week, we would love to hear from each of you. What was your most memorable act of service or kindness performed this week? Don't limit your responses to acts of your own, but also include anything memorable you witnessed someone else do.
For me it wasn't any one thing. It was the whole week of making sure I thought of others and what they might need! I love this challenge for trying to make the whole package better instead of just focusing on the weight. Thanks girls for putting this together!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I agree with the above post ... it was awesome all week to be able to think of others ... there were small things I did, such as texting a few friends with a simple message of "You are beautiful, inside and out!" ... Karli watched 2 of my kids this week so I could take one of my babies to the doctor ... and I had enough time before picking them up to stop at the store for some extra fruits and veggies ... I saw a beautiful chrysanthemum, and my FIRST thought was "wow, I should get that for Karli" ... as she mentioned when I gave it to her, she thought "you didnt have to do that" .. and yup .. I didnt and thats what made it fun! :)
ReplyDeleteJenn (Wife, Mother, Friend), I thought of you too when writing this post. I was so grateful for the opportunity to help you and appreciated this part of our challenge because I know otherwise, you may not have thought to call and ask for my help. But you knew I probably needed the service point for the day! Because of that, regardless of "needing points" or not, now you know that I am always here when you need something. I loved the flowers - they are still in full bloom brightening up my kitchen.
ReplyDeleteIt was great just to be more aware and thinking of others and your surroundings. One day I did something that I could probably do every time I go out, but in the past I didn't think about it because service was not on my mind like it is now. I picked up garbage in the parking lot while I was out running errands. It was something that just presented itself to me, yet, I know it's always there! Litter is all over our streets and parking lots - I just didn't take the time to notice or care in the past.
ReplyDeleteI also sent a card to my sister's in-laws this week telling them a memory I had of their youngest son who passed away 3 years ago this past Thursday. It's a memory that always makes me smile, and I hope it does the same for them.
"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of Your God." (Mosiah 2:17)
What a great addition this is to our challenge!
Love the above ideas too. It was so fun this week to not just be focused on the food or exercise of the challenge. I tried to take opportunities to help others as they presented themselves. For example one day I helped my sister-in-law get her scripture point by reading them to her while she was working. I was also grateful for a friend who knew I was having a bad day and brought me some vitamin water and fruit to help me! Bless her HEART!!
ReplyDeleteThis for some reason was so much easier then I thought it would be!!I was able to help out someone by watching their kids and then the lady I walk with in the mornings was stressed out over some quilts that she was making for a school fund raiser so I told her I would do some of them for her. It was not a big deal to me but I know to her it was a huge deal!!
ReplyDeleteI took my kids to the park in our neighborhood and talked with an older lady who just had to move into her daughters house because she can't live alone anymore. I actually didn't mind hearing her entire life story and learning all she had to share about being a good mom.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I were at a potluck at a local park when I noticed a man sitting by himself. He was a bit dirty and ragged and looked sad. So out of my comfort zone I struck up a conversation and found out that he was homeless...needless to say we had plenty of food and I knew most of it wouldn't be missed so I fixed up a huge plate of food for him. He was grateful, and the feeling I got was something I haven't experiecned in a long time!
ReplyDeleteAs a family we made homemade cards (just card stock & stickers, nothing fancy) for all the great grandparents in the family. No special reason just because we love them and miss them -- although one was ill, and most are them are lonely. Well we mailed them on Monday. Turns out one was having a birthday this week (that i had forgotten about) so I'm so glad we sent it when we did. And sadly, another one passed away the same day the card got there. He may not have even read it, I don't know, but even if he wasn't aware, his wife knows that we love them and care about them. I so glad I didn't procrastinate either of those cards and that we took the chance when we did. Another day would have made a big difference.
ReplyDeleteAmen to all the above comments! I have been focusing on others all week as well but my most memorable was inviting a new member friend over to watch conference with me. She said it was her 1st time she'd seen or heard conference and she had sooooo many questions. It was awesome to hear her say that she felt like they were talking directly to her and that she knows a lot better now what she needs to work on. I'm going to get her a subscription to the Ensign. Sharing my testimony was the best thing ALL WEEK!
ReplyDeleteI found out that it was my (favorite and amazing) pediatrician's birthday. I wanted to do something special and I have been wanting to give out a "Finding Faith in Christ" DVD. So we wrapped it up. Made her a 10ft Happy Birthday banner with our kids handprints and brought it to her. She was in tears as my little boys sang happy birthday to her. I was grateful for the daily reminder to think of others. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLove all the posts! This week, one of the teachers @ my kids' school was still trying to do assessments (no aides in the class). My own kids aren't even in her class, but it was rewarding to go in and help for a while. I love working with elementary school kids
ReplyDeleteThank you all for sharing your experiences, I have loved reading all of the great ideas and things you all thought to do! What I love about the service part of this challenge is it keeps our minds open to FINDING ways to serve, sure a lot of the days the service will fall into our lap. But the days it doesnt and we have to go out of our way and above and beyond are awesome. I was touched reading the things you women did to serve.
ReplyDeleteWednesday morning while I was helping in my son's 1st grade class, I felt an extra feeling of compassion for each of the kids. That may sounds cheesy, but I think it was because I was really focusing on serving them.
The only thing that comes to mind (and I know it wasn't what I counted that day) was when I went to help in my son's classroom, there was this little girl who was sad because she had to go out to the playground when she wanted to stay in the room and take her A.R. test. I encouraged her to come out with us. She pouted a bit at first and said that her mom never comes and helps in the classroom. But then I told her that I really wanted her to show me what she liked doing on the playground. She smiled a bit and came out and shared her favorite things with me. She's a sweetheart.
ReplyDeletemy most memorable act of kindness was a weird one. I gave someone (not a close friend) a gift and they were not really very grateful. It was a great opportunity to remind myself that we do not give for a thank you or to get something in return we do it because it is good. It is easy for me to do nice things for my friends who I love and who are very appreciative but it is harder to do service or give something to someone we don't particularly enjoy. It is my goal to do something for a "less lovable" person at least once a week.
ReplyDeleteFor me it was arranging meals for 5 days for a girl I went to high school with. Her 3.5 year old is being put into hospice care and isnt expected to make it but a few weeks. I arranged with other moms and myself to bring meals, gifts, gift cards and money to her during this time. It was awesome to see how grateful she was for it all.
I am so inspired and touched by all of your comments here. Thank you all for sharing these. One of my favorite's so far was something that was the most simple that I did last week. I wrote notes/letter to each of my boys and posted it on their wall above their heads while they were sleeping. When they got up the next morning I got a huge bear hug from each of them and the rest of the day seemed to be a VERY happy one.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about being more conscious about our service to others is not only noticing the things that we are NOT doing but giving ourselves credit for the things that we ARE doing. I'm realizing that I give a lot more of my time and talents to people each day than I realized or have given my self credit for. I'm sure each of you amazing ladies (and gentlemen) are noticing the same :)
Happy and Healthy Monday everyone!!!
GOSH I love ALL of your comments!
ReplyDeleteHeather, your story about your letter writing to your great grandfather who passed away that same day made me teary eyed, I am sure his wife was so touched when she opened that card.
Meghan, the service you are giving your friend whose daughter is ill BLEW ME AWAY, what a lucky woman to have you there as support (Im lucky to have you as my friend too) :)
Missy (Miss Honeybee) your idea to write our own children a note and leave it above their bed is DEFINITELY on my service-to-do list now, thanks for the great idea!
Cherise-WOW! Way to go above and beyond, I am sure you and your boys made that pediatricians birthday!
I wish I could comment on ALL of your acts of service. I was so motivated reading about all of you who helped strangers, or serving the "not so easy to love" as Michele did!
oh todays service was the most FUN of them all so far! I have a friend who is pregnant and has gestational diabetes ... since I was already going to the store to get myself some sugar free snacks and such, I decided to make her a goodie basket! I filled it up with sugar free pudding and jello, and brought it over to her! (she actually said it was perfect timing, cause her 3 year old was in charge of FHE snack tonight and chose something quite against the rules for her LOL and this basket of goodies couldn't have come at a more perfect moment!)
ReplyDeleteSo . . I think todays for me has topped my list so far! YAY! I am REALLY enjoying this!
WOW!! So glad I took the time to read each and every comment. So much goodness is found right here. Thank you all for sharing yourselves with us--and especially with the world...to make it a better place. Bless you all! When we strive to make ourselves a little better, we really have so much more to give to others. You guys are awesome!
ReplyDeleteWow- you guys are all amazing and are inspiring me to do more! Some of them brought tears to my eyes. I've just done simple things so far, like giving my hubby a full on pedicure on the spot, including cutting fingernails and toes =). He really appreciated it after a long day at work. Sending suprise notes with my kids to school for them to find after I knew they had a bad day the day before. I sent a package full of Violin Solo music to my Niece because I knew she was looking for more Violin Music and Solos. You are all inspiring me to do bigger and better things. It has been really nice to focus on what I can do for others. It's really a great addition to this challenge! It's a habit I know I need to keep even after the challenge is over!